Monday, June 3, 2013

First Post

Hello, and welcome to my brand new basketball blog!!!

I'm very excited to start posting my opinions about basketball in hopes that many critics come and share their views about the sport I grew up loving. This blog is mainly for me to publicize my furious love-hate relationship with the New York Knickerbockers, but that does not mean I'll only write about them. The focus of this blog is to analyze true NBA talent and expose various managerial tactics that are taken into consideration when building a title contender. Isn't it all about winning: YES. It is. I am not a general manager of a sports team, so this is the best way I know how to voice what I think NBA teams should do this offseason and in the future. Please voice opinions, state how right I am, or how wrong I am. I am a fact checker, I am a researcher, and I am an avid basketball watcher (aka former high school star turned video game, couch potato, basketball loving expert). Though I have a day job (and am looking for alternatives...) I need to express my opinions on the web, hoping that one day I can sit comfortably next to Magic, Jalen, and Bill Simmons arguing about who is better Kobe, MJ, or Lebron (the truth is it's Carmelo!!!! just kidding).

Anyways, hope you enjoy it. I will post 1-5 articles (varying in length) everyday. Let me know what you think!

Dylan J Hans

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